Alex Akira recently reviewed Frat House Troopers for Rainbow Book Reviews, and it’s a pretty great read. He begins by giving what is, to me, high praise from a fellow author:
Frat House Troopers is a fast, fun-filled read. It took me a moment to adjust to the author’s voice, but once I did my enjoyment of the story increased, as did my admiration for its author. Xavier Mayne has gifted his story with both a sweet innocence and a sense of voyeurism.
Back when I wrote FHT, I had no plans to become a published author; the very idea of having a “voice” was not even in my head. It seems generous, then, to be credited with that intention. I appreciate it very much! I also very much like the way that he wraps up the review:
I would slot this one under seriously entertaining and have to say that the repeated clothes shopping scenes were some of the funniest I’ve read in a while. I mentioned that there is a quality of innocence to this work, but for sure it is balanced by a goodly amount of heated stuff of fantasies. It’s sassy, sweet, and joyful and well, I did tear up a bit toward the end.
Thanks, Alex!
Wrestling Demons is available in paperback and e-book.