Roberta, writing at Love Bytes, givesĀ Spring Break at the Villa Hermes 4.5 hearts in a long and lovely review. I especially love reading reviews that focus on what’s most important to me when I write: the characters. Without good characters, the most ingenious plot in the world is going to fall flat.
I have to say that Xavier did such an amazing job with every single one of these characters. They were full-bodied characters with their own quirks and issues that they have. I fell for each and everyone of these guys. They all brought something to the table and just made my little heart beat for them.
The very best part of this story was the time spent in the underground. It was during this time that these characters really all took off for me. We got such an intimate look into who these guys were and why they were the way they were. Beautifully done.
Thanks, Roberta, for your perceptive and generous review. And if you’re not Roberta, I encourage you to read the entire review.
Spring Break at the Villa Hermes is available in paperback and e-book.